February is Parent Recognition Month. Strengthening Families Washington, of the Department of Early Learning for Washington State, believes there is no better way to recognize a parent, grandparent, foster or adoptive parent than by acknowledging the numerous and impressive things they do to strengthen their family and those around them in their community.
Seattle's Child is proud to sponsor the Washington Unsung Hero Awards, recognizing our everyday heroes and honoring the important role caregivers play in children's lives. There are 28 nominees for the 28 days of February, and Seattle's Child will highlight each and every one.
Congratulations to the Unsung Hero for February 22: Kim & Lynda Unruh – Tacoma, WA:
Kim & Lynda are the parents of Serena, a 31 year old young lady with profound disabilities. Serena is unable to care for herself and unable to communicate with words. In addition to being wheel-chair bound, Serena is blind and has severe hearing loss. Kim and Lynda have joyfully and sacrificially loved and cared for Serena now for over three decades. They are proud of her and allow the rest of us in their church family to be part of their life as well. Kim & Lynda represent the very best of what it means to be parents of a special-needs individual. They have learned patience and joy and humble service on a level that most of us only dream of achieving. They sacrifice personal comfort on a constant basis. They care for all of Serena's needs and are determined to do so as long as God gives her life. They protect her dignity and advocate for her care. They teach others how to patiently serve. They encourage other families that have been touched by disabilities. They model the long endurance that our "hurry-up" generation rarely sees among us. Regardless of any recognition they might or might not ever receive, Kim and Lynda Unruh are truly unsung heroes.
Nominator: Tyler Pease