Seattle's Child

Your guide to a kid-friendly city

doug bayley daffodils

Doug Bayley daffodil beds blooming now in Volunteer Park. Photo by Cheryl Murfin

Now’s the time to see daffodil fields — in Seattle

Doug Bayley daffodil beds fully blooming in Volunteer Park

No time for the drive to Mount Vernon to see the daffodil and tulip fields? No problem! The Doug Bayley daffodil beds are in full bloom this week in Seattle’s Volunteer Park.

Doug Bayley daffodils

Volunteers planting daffodils. Photo courtesy Volunteer Park Trust

In 2021, park volunteers planted 25,000 daffodils along the southwest slopes of the park, starting at the corner of East Prospect Dr. and 11th Ave E. The blooms come in all sizes and varieties including Dutch Master, Geranium, Ice Follies, Salome, and Tete a Tete, and cover the hills on both sides of Volunteer Park Road. The daffodil beds are dedicated to the memory of Doug Bayley, a renowned landscape architect, longtime part volunteer, dad and co-founder of the Volunteer Park Trust. Bayley passed away in January 2022.

Volunteer Park Observatory / Creative Commons

Make it a full flower day by dropping into the Volunteer Park Conservatory after your daffodil stroll. The historic greenhouse was built in 1912 and is home to plants from all over the region and world. The conservatory is open Tuesday – Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m‍. Admission to the conservatory is $6 for adults, $4 for students, seniors, and kids ages 6-17, and free for children ages 5 and under.

More at Seattle’s Child:

5 tips for a family trip to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

About the Author

Cheryl Murfin

Cheryl Murfin is managing editor at Seattle's Child. She is also a certified doula, lactation educator for and a certified AWA writing workshop facilitator at