Seattle’s Child is proud to partner with the state Department of Children, Youth and Families Strengthening Families Washington to honor outstanding caregivers doing important work on behalf of children. Throughout February, we’ll introduce you to Unsung Heroes from around the state: biological parents, grandparents, foster and adoptive parents. Some volunteer at local schools; some have started nonprofits; some mentor others in their communities. Enjoy the stories of 2024’s unsung heroes.
NOTE: Seattle’s Child is running these stories unedited, as written by the people who nominated them, in keeping with the DCYF Unsung Hero process.
Ariana and Nicholas Donofrio, Seattle
Ariana and Nick became foster parents to a beautiful baby girl this year. This is not only their first time as foster parents, but really their first entrance into the world of parenting and babies, and they really jumped into it head-first! Parenting is a hard job anyway, but add to it the fact that their foster daughter has several special needs, and that makes it that much more challenging.
Knowing all of this, Ariana and Nick have navigated all of their child’s needs, learning medical terminology, procedures, and practices, and securing her a spot in an inclusive child development center that can accommodate her needs. I hope that the Donofrios know just how amazing they are and that they are recognized for their hard work and love.
— Amanda Van Vleet, Program Director at Easterseals Growing Years CDC
More Unsung Heroes:
Mom of four promotes self care
A loving, resilient mom giving it all