Seattle's Child

Your guide to a kid-friendly city

A Zoom call seems like a great way to get safely up close and personal with a porcupine, doesn't it?

Invite a zoo animal to your birthday party or family Zoom call; here’s how

If you’re up for a special, stay-at-home splurge, here’s a fun one:

Woodland Park Zoo has launched Call of the Wild, a new program in which an animal ambassador from the zoo will join your family, friends or work team via Zoom for a virtual meeting, family gathering or, say, a very lucky kid’s birthday party.

At $250 for 15 minutes, this is an indulgence that sadly won’t be accessible to everyone.

(However, the cost is way below what some families end up spending for kids’ parties. And the proceeds will help the zoo, which is struggling financially as it cares for nearly 1,000 animals while unable to welcome any admission-paying visitors.)

Here’s how it works. It’s all explained online. Time slots are limited, and not every animal is available. Animal choices options divided into mammals, birds and reptiles/insects, and some of the examples given are “Harry the handsome skunk, Lucy the recycling raccoon and lovely Luna the barn owl.”

If you decide to do this, we would love to hear how it goes!

You can also keep in touch with your favorite animals via Woodland Park Zoo’s FacebookTwitter and Instagram pages.

In another great development for animal lovers, Northwest Trek Animal Park in Eatonville has launched the Wild Drive option, in which people can explore the park by driving through in their vehicles beginning March 27.

RelatedMore ideas for celebrations in the time of coronavirus || Online offerings from SIFF include cat-video compilation || Have your child get an animal penpal through Pasado’s Safe Haven || The Playlist: All about animals (crafts, learning and more fun)

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