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Action Alert: Call in Your Support for Washington Autism Insurance Reform Bill

Shayan's Law, the autism insurance reform bill (SB 5059), was heard in the Senate Committee on Health and Long-Term Care a few weeks ago but the committee has not taken a vote on this important bill yet. The bill must pass out of committee by the close of business on Monday, Feb. 21, or it will die. 

If enacted, Shayan's Law would provide the children of the state of Washington with appropriate access to treatments and therapies for their autism by requiring insurance companies to end discrimination against them. Twenty-three states have passed such a measure into law.

Those in support of this bill should call state Sen. Karen Keiser at 360-786-7664 and ask her to call a vote for SB 5059, Shayan's Law, before Monday. Stating personal reasons is especially effective. Call your local senator as well and ask your family and friends to do the same.

To learn more about this issue, visit the local section of the Autism Speaks website.

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Autism Speaks, Washington Chapter