Seattle's Child

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Get Your Family Involved in the Great Backyard Bird Count

The annual Great Backyard Bird Count, which happens throughout the United States and Canada, is coming up Friday, Feb. 18, through Monday, Feb. 21. Get your family involved by planning to count birds for at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count. This event is open to people of all ages and levels of bird-watching experience.

Submit a checklist for each day you count, taking note of the highest number of each species you see (the online checklist has information and photos for the birds found in the Pacific Northwest). Enter the results on the Great Backyard Bird Count web site by Tuesday, March 1.

If you are new to bird watching, check out the "Learn About Birds" section of the web site, which includes help with tricky bird identifications, choosing binoculars, bird feeding tips and more.

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