Seattle's Child

Your guide to a kid-friendly city

This Calculator Will Tell You How Much Sleep You've Lost Since Becoming a Parent


Remember when you used to stay up as late as you wanted and then sleep in on the weekend? Me either.  It’s nothing but a distant memory. As a parent, you know all too well that the days of sleeping in are OVER.

Who knows how much sleep we’ve lost, right? That is until a calculator came along that quantifies the exact amount of snooze-time people give up being parents. Do you even want to know? Probably not. But we are going to tell you how to find out anyways.

All you do is enter the age of your kid (or kids), and the calculator spits out a number that will make your head spin. I have one child, a 20-month-old daughter. The calculation revealed that I've lost close to 2,590 hours of sleep since my daughter was born. That's 108 days, or 4 months.

Research shows one in four sleep deprived parents have put their mobile phones in the fridge and one in nine have cradled the cat while thinking it’s their baby.


About the Author

Kate Neidigh