Seattle's Child

Your guide to a kid-friendly city

Editor’s Note January 2010

I am guest-writing this Editor's Note for my wife, Ann Bergman, who normally greets you here. She's been so busy tackling the thousand-and-one details of her resumed ownership of this rag, that I thought it would be a nice holiday gift to offer to relieve her of this one task this month.

Imagine my surprise when she accepted.

For many of us, this past year or so has been particularly scary and demoralizing, even to a "cup-half-full" kind of person. It's easy to get a little negative and despairing.

But when your thoughts turn to the future, inevitably the kids come to mind, and pull you pretty quickly from these depths. Yes, they're the focus of much of our worries, but they also give us purpose and reason to care. And they give us a connection to youth, too, with all its promise and possibility and yes, optimism.

Here's to approaching 2010 with their brightness in our minds and hearts. May we each in this new year hold family close and present.

Please join me in making a New Year's salute to my wife and Seattle's Child's editor/publisher/founder, Ann Bergman. Her pioneering vision, her passion and her entrepreneurial spirit are responsible for bringing this great local resource into being.


Happy New Year!

Michael Rorick

About the Author

Michael Rorick