Seattle's Child

Your guide to a kid-friendly city

Mother and son looking at a book at the library

Photo courtesy Seattle Public Library

Help shape the future of The Seattle Public Library

Take the 10-minute survey about SPL's strategic plan

For 130 years, The Seattle Public Library has been valued and supported by the people of Seattle. Now, we are making plans for the future and we need your feedback.

The Library is engaged in an intensive strategic planning process about how to meet the evolving needs of the community and better serve Seattle residents, including children, families, caregivers and educators, who are such important Library users.

Over the past year, with the help of civic leaders, community partners, Library leaders and other stakeholders, we have drafted a vision for our next 10 years.

But what do you think? Please take our 10-minute survey about our emerging strategic plan and share your thoughts.

**Take the survey here:

The survey is available in 17 languages and will be open until Wednesday, Nov. 15.

Mother and son looking at a laptop computer on a table at the Seattle Public Library

Photo courtesy Seattle Public Library

Why does this matter?

As one of the few public spaces where everyone is truly welcome, no purchase required, the Library is in a unique position to help Seattle residents navigate our era of extraordinary challenges and change.

Whether you are a regular visitor to one of our 27 locations or haven’t stepped foot inside a library in years, your feedback is essential. By sharing your thoughts on our new strategic plan, you help us maintain the Library as a vibrant, inclusive, and enriching space for all.

Your input will help shape how the Library:

  • fosters early learning and lifelong literacy;
  • expands and enhances access to collections, programming and technology;
  • supports equity, enrichment and empowerment;
  • upholds intellectual freedom and a healthy democracy; and
  • brings people together to strengthen our community.

Thank you! If youā€™re curious, you can learn more about the Libraryā€™s planning process at

P.S.: In the meantime, please take advantage of some of our current, and always free, programs and services! You can attend a story time or bring your kids to after-school Homework Help, check out an engaging author program, get free one-on-one help for your business, find your next five reads, learn about our program to fight censorship nationwide, and more.

About the Author

The Seattle Public Libraryā€™s Communications Office