We live in a society where the line between want and need is often blurred.
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TEAM READ: Linking High School Tutors
On an unseasonably bright and sunny February afternoon, the cafeteria at Beacon Hill Elementary School
Fear Not the Healthy Fats
"Fat" has become such a dirty word in our vocabulary that we try to eliminate
Girls on the Run: Preteens Taking Strides to Improve Their Health, Self-Esteem
In a crowd of runners studded with pink and purple foam tiaras, hundreds of young
Already? Get That First Dental Checkup by Age 1
For the past two decades, U.S. pediatric dentists have promoted the importance of having little
Babies with Motor Skills Delays May Need Extra Preschool Help
Screening baby motor skills development – that is, identifying delays in skills like crawling
Seattle Schools: A Crisis of Confidence
Normally, the holidays are a time for celebration. But this past November, they marked
Does Talk of the Economy Stress Your Kids Out?
For the past year, the unfolding global financial crisis has brought a daily barrage of
Mother, Can You Spare a Dime?
It's not dimes, but dollars that my kids' schools ask for – hundreds of dollars.
Dorn Braces for Big Challenges as State’s New Top Schools Chief
Few people would wish to be in Randy Dorn's shoes. This month, he replaces three-term